(All "*" marked fields are
MANDATORY. If 'Documents to be Uploaded'
list is not appearing, please refresh your page (Ctrl+Shift+R).)
Sibling Detail (only real brother / sister currently studying in this
Sibling : |
Sibling Name : |
Sibling Class : |
Application Form Information
Coloured passport size photograph above the neck (Dimensions - 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm, Size Limit
150 KB in jpeg
Candidate's Personal Information
Middle Name : |
Last Name : |
Age as on
Email Verify
Aadhar No. : |
Mobile Verify
Landline No. : |
State of Domicile : |
Any medical condition requiring School's special attention :
Remarks : |
Corresponding Relative : |
School Transport Required : |
Father's Detail
Coloured passport size photograph above the neck (Dimensions - 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm, Size Limit
150 KB in jpeg
Middle Name : |
Last Name : |
Landline Number : |
Area of Specialisation :
Mother's Detail
Coloured passport size photograph above the neck (Dimensions - 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm, Size Limit
150 KB in jpeg
Middle Name : |
Last Name : |
Landline Number : |
Area of Specialisation :
Additional Information
Present Class : |
Present School Name : |
Board Name : |
Source of Information : |
Personal Education Number (PEN) : |
Alumni Name: |
Alumni Admission No: |
Alumni Last Class Studied: |
Alumni Year of Passing: |
Documents (Size Limit 1MB in jpeg, jpg, png format only)
1. Date of Birth Certificate.
2. Passport-size colour photograph of the child, focussing on the face (above the
3. Passport-size colour photograph of the mother, focussing on the face (above the neck).
4. Passport-size colour photograph of the father, focussing on the face (above the neck).
5. Last academic session's Final Report Card (if applying for Class II or above).
6. Current academic session's Semester Report Card (if applying for Class II or above).
In the absence of the latest Semester Report Card, a certificate from the child's Head of
present School, mentioning his/her detailed academic performance.
7. Bonafide Certificate from Current School (if applying from Class II or above).
8. Proof of Residence – One of the following – Passport/Voter I-Card/Aadhaar
Card/Latest Electricity Bill/Latest Telephone Bill (Mobile or Landline)/Latest Property Tax
Receipt/Latest Bank
9. SC/ST/OBC/Community Certificate, issued by the designated government authority, (if
10. Aadhaar Card of child (if available).
I/We understand that if any of the above information is found to be incomplete, incorrect or
false, my/our ward shall be automatically debarred from the selection / admission process
without any correspondence in this regard. I/we also understand that the application /
registration / shortlisting does not guarantee admission to my ward. I/We accept the process of
admission undertaken by the school and I/we will abide by the decision taken by the school
authorities. I have read all guidelines and information provided on the school website and
promise to abide by the rules formulated by the school. I also understand and agree that in all
matters pertaining to admission, the decision of the school authorities will be final and
It is mandatory to read the Terms
and Conditions for
Online Registration before proceeding to make payment. Clicking on "Agree" will imply
your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.